Saturday, July 1, 2023

Bob Charles Says - " WHERE DID AMERICA GO ?? " An Excerpt from Bob's Notes about America and President Trump

" Where did America Go ?? "

       By Bob Charles - Pyramid One World Radio Network 

Here's a Piece from Bob Charles Notes on an Upcoming Writing " Where did America Go ?" Why should America put Trump Back in the Whitehouse ?
President Trump's time in office was marked by a number of significant accomplishments and policies that made him the best president for our country. From his commitment to putting America first in trade deals and foreign policy, to his dedication to job creation and economic growth, President Trump's leadership had a profound impact on the nation.
One of the key reasons why President Trump was considered the best president is his ability to deliver on his promises. Throughout his tenure, he worked tirelessly to fulfill the commitments he made during his campaign, such as renegotiating trade agreements like NAFTA and implementing tax cuts that stimulated economic growth which have been canceled by Executive Order, WHY ?
Additionally, President Trump's strong stance on immigration resonated with many Americans who believed in securing our borders and prioritizing national security. His efforts to address illegal immigration and enforce existing immigration laws were seen as crucial steps towards safeguarding our country, By Executive Order Joe Biden Opened all our Boarders to Invasion by Illegals from an Estimated 135 Countries Including China, Not to mention Joe allowing China to Move into Cuba ( 90 Miles from America ) to build Surveillance Stations and Guidance Directive facilities so Invasion can be made Quickly and Completely with no chance for defense as in Lite of Our Open Boarders.
Furthermore, President Trump's focus on deregulation played a vital role in revitalizing various industries and promoting entrepreneurship. By reducing burdensome regulations, he created an environment where businesses could thrive and create jobs for American workers. The White House Administration has instantiated all the Regulations that were reduced.
Moreover, President Trump's foreign policy approach prioritized American interests while demanding fair treatment from other nations. Through tough negotiations and strategic alliances, he sought to level the playing field for American businesses abroad.
Presidents have Given America Away and not Collected Fees for Doing Business, Trump Stopped That, And Joe Biden is now being Operated and Payed for By China, The Ukraine, and Other Countries for Information about America and Our Military, Does anyone do anything About the America Sell Out ? NOPE !
Lastly, President Trump's commitment to supporting law enforcement agencies garnered widespread support from those who valued public safety. His unwavering support for law enforcement officers helped restore confidence in our justice system and ensured that those who protect us are given the respect they deserve. Now Joe Biden has Signed Orders that allow Criminals not to be Prosecuted and Even Murderers are going Free while our Businesses are being Raped of Merchandise and Services and Forced to Move the Business or Go Out of Business all Together
In conclusion, President Trump's presidency was characterized by a strong focus on delivering results for the American people. From economic growth to national security initiatives, he consistently prioritized policies that benefited everyday Americans. It is these achievements that make him widely regarded as one of the best presidents our nation has seen. and that’s just coming from Bob Charles at Pyramid One World Radio Network… Watch Facebook for Bob’s New Show “NOWTALK” which we’ll all be able to Group Talk about America and Solutions. Bob Charles has Said " This must come to an end, we are Proud Americans and I believe it is time to Take America Back !