Monday, July 31, 2023

Sometimes people take the time out to publish an Article about Things that people care about and are helped by July 2023

Pyramid One Radio Studio "A"

A World News Article 

When you get on a show at Pyramid One World Radio Network you will not be standing alone.... World News Says !
Pyramid One World Radio is a globally recognized radio station that
has gained popularity for its exceptional broadcasting and captivating
content. At the forefront of this renowned station is Bob Charles, an
esteemed broadcaster who has become synonymous with quality radio
programming. You can also call into Tuesday and Wednesday Live shows by dialing 609-663-0153
Operating on a worldwide scale, Pyramid One World Radio reaches
listeners from every corner of the globe. With its diverse range of
shows and music genres, the station caters to a wide audience,
ensuring that there is something for everyone to enjoy.
Bob Charles, with his charismatic personality and extensive knowledge
in the broadcasting industry, has played a pivotal role in making
Pyramid One World Radio is a household name. His unique style and ability
to connect with listeners have made him a beloved figure among radio
enthusiasts worldwide.
Through their innovative approach and commitment to delivering
top-notch content, Pyramid One World Radio and Bob Charles have
established themselves as leaders in the radio industry. Their
dedication to providing an unparalleled listening experience has
solidified their position as a go-to destination for music lovers
around the world.
Whether you are seeking entertainment, information or simply looking
to unwind with great tunes, Pyramid One World Radio offers an
exceptional platform that transcends geographical boundaries. Tune in
and join the global community of listeners who have discovered the
magic of this extraordinary radio station led by none other than Bob
Charles himself.

Pyramid Productions

August 2nd -Starts at 6 PM EST USA NY TIME - BOB CHARLES & PYRAMID ONE RADIO Proudly Presents Marc and Phyllis Brinkerhoff

WEDNESDAY August 2nd 
 AT 6pm Est.

The Bob Charles Show
Pyramid One Network
CALL 609-663-0153

You can Listen to this Show LIVE at 6 PM NY TIME - Just go to - Listen on your Smart Phone - TuneIn - or just plug your cell phone into your car radio and listen live,, you can also go here - STREEMA RADIO LINK

SHOW CALL IN NUMBER IS 1-609-663-0153
Worldwide Talk Radio

Proudly Presents

Marc and Phyllis Brinkerhoff

Image result for Marc Brinkerhoff BIO

Marc Brinkerhoff has had a lifetime of UFO related experiences including face-to-face meetings with human-looking aliens, and the ability to go out and take photos of UFOs on a regular basis. Marc lives in NY and he spots them from his window or walks into Central Park nearby. He has even photographed what looks to be the 'Ultraterrestrials' inside the craft. 
Phyllis and Marc Brinkerhoff will talk about the ET Encounter Marc had in Central Park ( New York City ) on August 10, 2015, and my teleportation to the spaceship soon after the ET left or dematerialized as he walked away.
Your SpiritAnimal Helpers - GET IT HERE

Product Details
Image result for Marc Brinkerhoff BIO 

You can Listen to this Show LIVE at 6 PM NY TIME - Just go to - Listen on your Smart Phone - TuneIn - or just plug your cell phone into your car radio and listen live,, you can also go here - STREEMA RADIO LINK

BUT DON'T STOP THERE !!! Use your Phone and Call into the Show with Questions and Listen Live while you wait 609-663-0153 These shows are Awesome but having you into the show is our Honor to answer your questions 


Thursday, July 20, 2023

CLOSE THE BORDER AND STOP CHILD SEX --- If you see it happening call the DAM NUMBER !!!!!


Help is available

Speak with someone today

National Human Trafficking Hotline
Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week. Languages: English, Spanish.




THE SOUND OF FREEDOM: Exposes The Pedophile Economy enslaving millions of innocent children around the world to a life of rape, torture and murder. Tim Ballard, former Homeland Security Special Agent confirms Adrenochrome is real. They take the children's blood and they drink it. The U.S. Department of Labor and the United Nations estimate that there are over 6 million innocent children who are forced into sex slavery, labor slavery and organ harvesting. It is absolutely a real thing. The United States is the number one consumer of child rape materials and close to number one in production. 85,000 unaccompanied minors were let into the United States and delivered to a Sponsor without the Sponsor being vetted, DNA checked or having a background check. Thousands were under the age of five. This is the Economy of Pedophilia in the United States. There are baby factories, real cases where they have kidnapped women as young as 13 year old children and impregnate them, they rape them and they make babies. Then they take these babies and sell them for their organs, sell them for sex and sell them for satanic ritual abuse. This is very real and it is really happening. Why is the Mainstream Media ignoring these horrific crimes? Tim Ballard says: I think it is because if there are 2 million children forced into commercial sex a lot of people are involved. There are people who don't want this exposed because they are involved in it. Tim Ballard goes on to say that there is something called Adrenochrome where they are taking the children's blood and devouring it. It is very real, they take these children, they take their organs, they take their blood and they drink it. They take the genitals of children and hang it over the rooftop of their businesses thinking the dark gods will bless them. These are real things happening to innocent children. Tim Ballard was with the CIA for one year and then transferred to the United States Homeland Security Investigations Division as an Undercover Special Agent. During his time with Homeland Security he was asked to join a newly formed Child Crimes Unit. During his first assignment in the Child Crimes Unit Tim was so shocked by what he saw, he would never be the same. In his first case in 2002 he was given VHS videos and hard drives that he had to look at. While explaining what he saw during this interview Tim holds back tears remembering the very first images he had to see. He saw three little boys, 7, 5 and 3 years old who looked like his own children, who were being raped by a Pedophile. He was so shocked, that he dropped to his knees and dry heaved in a waste basket thinking he was going to throw up. He suffers from PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) because of seeing the horrors being done to innocent children. Child rape videos have increased by 5000 percent recently. After viewing these shocking images Tim Ballard could never see the world in the same way. He had to come to grips with the fact that there are millions of people who are Pedophiles, only millions of Pedophiles could justify a demand for millions of child exploitation materials and videos. Ernst Oshinsky the real Pedophile who was arrested in the Sound of Freedom movie had over 2 million pieces of child rape material in his house. Tim had to be confronted with the reality that there are millions of people on this planet who want to indulge in watching 5 year old children be raped and sexual assaulted in ways unimaginable. To watch children's bodies actually break in the act of sexual assault, acts that your mind couldn't imagine, but is real, is so shocking to the system it changes your life forever. When Tim Ballard says children's bodies actually break in the act of sexual assault he is referring to the pelvic bones of the innocent children breaking apart as a result of being brutally raped by an adult male. Children's bodies were not designed to be raped by an adult. This is the most horrific crime a child must endure. Pedophiles include all walks of life Tim says, he has arrested educators, lawyers, law enforcement and clergymen. These Pedophiles have normalized raping and torturing children. He says something has taken over them which scares him when he looks into their eyes. They believe their behavior is normal he says. Jim Caviezel says it wounds God in the greatest way when you take these innocent children who have done nothing, who have no sin and kill the most innocent. He goes on to say very emotionally that he hears the screams of these children in his heart because of the agents that he worked with. He was weeping so hard by the horrors of what he saw. He viewed this evidence because he had to know the pain and suffering of these children in order to share this truth with the world. He goes on to say the Media and the 3 letter agencies are not telling the truth. Jordan Peterson asks Jim Caviezel how has this movie changed you? Jim says "I would give my life in a heartbeat. I am less concerned about myself. I will tell you this right now, I would absolutely die, if this were to change the world and get rid of trafficking and pornography and all of the 8 arms of this Octopus that has to be destroyed. The only way you can destroy it, is to take the head off. If that happened, I would give my life in a heartbeat." The Head of this 8 armed Octopus that Jim Caviezel is talking about is the Committee of 300. A Scripture that Tim Ballard remembers and recites to help him stay strong and focused on his child trafficking rescue operations is "Better than a millstone be placed around your neck and you tossed to the bottom of the sea than you should hurt one of these little ones." God clearly stands against children being abused, raped, tortured and murdered. There is righteous violence coming to those who hurt children. Our innocent children are being targeted like never before Tim says. There are groups trying to get rid of the name Pedophile and call themselves Minor Attracted Persons. At the same time they are sexualizing children in schools, teachers are giving them pornography to read, things we used to be able to arrest them for in the past. Now children can consent to Transgender mutilation which will lead to children consenting to having sex with a Pedophile. Our culture is enslaving millions of children to a future life of rape and torture. If we do nothing to stop this, we are all guilty of these horrific crimes.

Monday, July 3, 2023

When are Americans going to rise up and stop our Country from being Invaded as Said Plainly in the Constitution WHEN WHEN WHEN

Venezuelan asylum seeker Jehan Carlo Ramirez carries his daughter Joannys S. Ramirez before they cross the Rio Grande into Brownsville, Texas, the...


VIDEO of peoples Private Land being opened to Illegals by Federal Agents from Joe Biden 

100,000 more Illegals enter America.. And what do WE THE PEOPLE do ? Absolutely NOTHING !!!! Republicans are Crap and so are those who do Nothing about this. This was Razor Wire who the Governor of Texas asked the Property Owners if they wanted the Protection and they said yes, so private property and Families were protected, then Biden sent Fad people to the Private Property to cut down the Wire and Let the Illegals into America on Privately owner land not Federal Land so Biden should go to Jail !! The Article is below

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Bob Charles Says - " WHERE DID AMERICA GO ?? " An Excerpt from Bob's Notes about America and President Trump

" Where did America Go ?? "

       By Bob Charles - Pyramid One World Radio Network 

Here's a Piece from Bob Charles Notes on an Upcoming Writing " Where did America Go ?" Why should America put Trump Back in the Whitehouse ?
President Trump's time in office was marked by a number of significant accomplishments and policies that made him the best president for our country. From his commitment to putting America first in trade deals and foreign policy, to his dedication to job creation and economic growth, President Trump's leadership had a profound impact on the nation.
One of the key reasons why President Trump was considered the best president is his ability to deliver on his promises. Throughout his tenure, he worked tirelessly to fulfill the commitments he made during his campaign, such as renegotiating trade agreements like NAFTA and implementing tax cuts that stimulated economic growth which have been canceled by Executive Order, WHY ?
Additionally, President Trump's strong stance on immigration resonated with many Americans who believed in securing our borders and prioritizing national security. His efforts to address illegal immigration and enforce existing immigration laws were seen as crucial steps towards safeguarding our country, By Executive Order Joe Biden Opened all our Boarders to Invasion by Illegals from an Estimated 135 Countries Including China, Not to mention Joe allowing China to Move into Cuba ( 90 Miles from America ) to build Surveillance Stations and Guidance Directive facilities so Invasion can be made Quickly and Completely with no chance for defense as in Lite of Our Open Boarders.
Furthermore, President Trump's focus on deregulation played a vital role in revitalizing various industries and promoting entrepreneurship. By reducing burdensome regulations, he created an environment where businesses could thrive and create jobs for American workers. The White House Administration has instantiated all the Regulations that were reduced.
Moreover, President Trump's foreign policy approach prioritized American interests while demanding fair treatment from other nations. Through tough negotiations and strategic alliances, he sought to level the playing field for American businesses abroad.
Presidents have Given America Away and not Collected Fees for Doing Business, Trump Stopped That, And Joe Biden is now being Operated and Payed for By China, The Ukraine, and Other Countries for Information about America and Our Military, Does anyone do anything About the America Sell Out ? NOPE !
Lastly, President Trump's commitment to supporting law enforcement agencies garnered widespread support from those who valued public safety. His unwavering support for law enforcement officers helped restore confidence in our justice system and ensured that those who protect us are given the respect they deserve. Now Joe Biden has Signed Orders that allow Criminals not to be Prosecuted and Even Murderers are going Free while our Businesses are being Raped of Merchandise and Services and Forced to Move the Business or Go Out of Business all Together
In conclusion, President Trump's presidency was characterized by a strong focus on delivering results for the American people. From economic growth to national security initiatives, he consistently prioritized policies that benefited everyday Americans. It is these achievements that make him widely regarded as one of the best presidents our nation has seen. and that’s just coming from Bob Charles at Pyramid One World Radio Network… Watch Facebook for Bob’s New Show “NOWTALK” which we’ll all be able to Group Talk about America and Solutions. Bob Charles has Said " This must come to an end, we are Proud Americans and I believe it is time to Take America Back !